Category Archives: Website
Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case Files on Nintendo DS Coming in English on June 29th from DCTP
At long last, we are ready to announce that our English translation of Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case Files: Chance Encounter of 2 Great Detective for Nintendo DS will be released on JUNE 29th, 2015.
Here is a little of what to expect from the game:
- Over 40 hours of gameplay
- Play as Conan or Kindaichi over eight chapters in an entirely original story
- Fully translated into English for the first time
- Playable on PC / Mac via emulator, and Nintendo DS systems with a flash card
- Bonus omake elements added for fans to uncover throughout the game
Upon release, we will be publishing a full, step-by-step guide in order to help you get up and running as quickly as possible. Still, if any of the ensuing instructions are confusing, don’t worry. We will be here to assist everyone in getting the game running on their systems in the eventual release post and on the forums.
Read on for a brief rundown on how you will be able to play the game once it is released in less than two weeks on June 29th, as well as the answers to some frequently asked questions.
Conan & Kindaichi DS Translation Subsite Open: Full English Release Expected in December
We have long been preparing our translation for one of our most challenging and ambitious projects: a complete English localization of the Nintendo DS video game Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case Files: Chance Encounter of 2 Great Detectives.
We are nearly at the point where we can finally make it available to everyone to enjoy. The game has required more time than virtually any other endeavor we have ever tackled, with a script as long as all of the Detective Conan movies combined. Coupling that with disassembling all of the game data and reworking all of the game’s graphics into English has been a monumental task, but we are doing our best to meet everyone’s expectations.
For more information on the game, check out the new Conan & Kindaichi Subsite. There, you can learn how you will be able to play as well as check out screenshots and videos from the history of the project.
Our current estimated window for release is DECEMBER 2014. Stay tuned for more information as we continue working toward our targeted date and feel free to discuss the project on our forums in the designated discussion topic.
Detective Conan Opening Ratings: The Results!
The polls are closed on the community ratings for the Detective Conan anime openings and the results are in! Many of them were surprisingly close and had to be settled by tiebreakers (entries that received the most 5-star votes were given ranking preference).
See how your favorites and not-so-favorites did below:
We will open another poll seeking ratings in the near future. Keep an eye out, and thanks for participating thus far!
Detective Conan Movie Ratings: The Results!
Over the past several months, we have been soliciting votes for each of the Detective Conan movies as part of a community ratings initiative. The goal, as you might have guessed, was to get a concise view of how the international community feels about each of the films in the Conan catalogue. We now have the results and are ready to share them below!
We will continue garnering ratings from everyone on various Conan subjects, so please give your input when possible. We hope this will culminate in a nice project for the community. In the meantime, the poll for the Detective Conan openings is still open and accepting votes as we speak.
We extend our thanks to all who participated in this project!
Rate the Detective Conan Openings (Final Week!)
Along with seeking community ratings for the Conan movies, we’re also covering other Conan topics, such as the many openings for the anime! As with that initiative, we are rating each opening with the 5 star system, with applicable scores as follows: ✩, ✩½, ✩✩, ✩✩½, ✩✩✩, ✩✩✩1/2, ✩✩✩✩, ✩✩✩✩½, and ✩✩✩✩✩.
Below is a brief compilation video, along with a text listing for your votes beneath it. Refresh yourself on all of the openings and leave your vote in the comments here by registering or leave your vote as a reply to this topic on the forums. Only ONE WEEK remains to get in your votes, don’t miss out!
Rate the Detective Conan Movies (One Week Left!)
A few months ago, we began garnering ratings from the community on various Conan-related subjects. First up were the movies, and in one week, we’ll begin revealing the results. Yes, you still have ONE WEEK from this date to get in any last minute votes!
You may vote in the comments here with a registered account, or do so in a post in the designated forum topic.
As for formatting, let’s keep it simple and use the 5 star system, meaning ratings would come in the form of 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars, and 5 stars, with 5 being great (maximum score) and 1 being poor (minimum score). You may also use ½ between those two points if necessary (✩½, ✩✩½, ✩✩✩½, ✩✩✩✩½). If you haven’t seen the movie, don’t hesitate to indicate that; there are a lot, so some people naturally haven’t seen them all.
Movie 1: ✩✩✩✩✩
Movie 2: ✩✩✩✩
Movie 3: Haven’t Seen It
Movie 4: ✩✩✩½
…and on and on…
Welcome to the New DCTP Website!
It has been a very long time coming, but the Detective Conan Translation Project now has a new website! The purpose of this new venture is to provide a community-driven outlet for covering and discussing the latest news and updates complete with translations of all the developments in and around the Conan world. You can also expect articles on various theories percolating throughout the community and other such related content.
The posts on this website will be contributed primarily by community members known for their consistency and reliability. If you would also like to become a contributor, please post relevant content on the DCTP Forums in the General Discussion and Story Discussion boards. You may then be contacted to request having a post or even a reply or counterpoint shared here on the front page.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: This website is a work-in-progress. We intend to implement various features in the near future and ask for your patience in the meantime.
We look forward to sharing what the community has to offer and hope to hear from all of you soon! Enjoy, and please any thoughts or concerns below!