In addition to Gosho’s personal message, Shogakukan reports that Gosho already went in and out of hospital repeatedly last year, but decline to specify his illness for privacy reasons.
After File 920, which will be published in this week’s issue (SS #16), there will be no new file in issue #17. It is still unclear whether there will be a new file the following week (#18). Starting from issue #19, Shounen Sunday will run reprints of old Detective Conan files. When and how often new files will be published during Gosho’s hospital stay is still unclear.
Source: Yahoo Headlines
This week’s Shounen Sunday
issue revealed the title of the next Detective Conan movie along with the first details and the poster as drawn by Gosho Aoyama himself. The movie, titled Infernal Sunflowers (業火の向日葵, Gouka no Himawari; official English title to be confirmed), will open on April 18th, 2015 in Japan. The first trailer is set to be released this weekend.
The first story details from the magazine state that “Kaitou Kid has set his sights on a recently resurfaced Sunflowers painting by Van Gogh and seems prepared to put a lot of people in danger to get his hands on it?!”
More info to follow.

The pool case is solved and … ?!
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The pool case moves into the investigation phase …
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It’s business as usual in File 903 – or is it?! Find out after the jump.
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