Magic Kaito 1412 to Join Crunchyroll Simulcast Schedule!

Magic Kaito 1412 Series PosterThe news many had been anticipating leading up to its initial premiere has finally come: Crunchyroll has picked up Magic Kaito 1412 to simulcast alongside Detective Conan.

Episodes one through four of the solo Kaitou Kid series are already available for streaming in the U.S. and Canada. New episodes of the series will be added every Saturday at 7:00 AM EST, with two episodes being uploaded each week until the service is  caught up.

A synopsis for the series from Crunchyroll is replicated below:

When Kaito Kuroba‘s father dies under mysterious circumstances, he finds out his father’s secret identity; a famous international criminal known as International Criminal 1412: the Phantom Thief, and that he was murdered by a mysterious organization for refusing to aid them in retrieving the “Pandora Gem” – a jewel that grants immortality.

He vows to stop the organization from obtaining the gem, and assumes his father’s identity. His only clues as to the gem’s location are that it glows red under the full moon and that it is a doublet: a gem hidden within a larger gem. Kaito researches and steals famous priceless gems with interesting histories from incredibly well-defended areas, but always returns them after the very next full moon.

Source: Crunchyroll